
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Obama Pushes to Preserve Alaska

President Barack Obama is pushing to reserve more of the Alaskan coastal plains as wilderness refuge instead of potential oil sources. This is an incredible step for the States considering the environment has been sidelined in politics for a while now. However, Big Business America is angry at the president for trying to make this change because it cuts off their access to POTENTIAL oil sources. The Alaskan coastline is believed to have rich oil deposits, but in that location, no one knows for sure.
If the extra 12.3 million acres Obama is trying to save to indeed stay untouched, it would be a huge accomplishment for the United States and a great benefit to the environment. Species living in the ever-deteriorating way north would be able to remain in their habitats safely. I urge you all to voice your support for Obama's cause, for the polar bears, for the planet.
Photo from

To read the BBC Article and more click here

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